Our goal was to start a nice little shop that would help out families just like ours. Wee envisioned our kids playing happily in the back room, being home for dinner… Boy, were wee in for a surprise! Wee worked night and day trying to keep up with the demand. Our store is now the largest Children’s Resale Shop in the city. People thought wee were crazy back in 1997 when the concept of Children’s Resale was still relatively new. “You’ll never be able to pay the rent”, they said. “You have no experience in Business or Retail!” But you know how moms are.
Wee take that kind of stuff as a dare.
Our only experience with ‘those types of stores’ were overstocked, overpriced, and unfriendly. Yard sales were a hassle and a waste of gas. We just knew we could do better. Families deserved a place where they could get great deals in an organized and friendly environment. That’s when Reruns for Wee Ones was born.
Wee’ve had some crazy experiences over the years. Wee made national news when a 6 yr old boy escaped a daycare center, walked to our store and drove off in a Power Wheels truck…only to get pulled over by the police! Wee’ve had 2 women go into labor while shopping. Wee’ve had princess parties, super hero events. Wee’ve witnessed first steps and first days of kindergarten. Wee’ve purchased items from many moms who swore ‘this is the last kid’ only to see them again in 6 months buying maternity clothes.
Reruns for Wee Ones is a special place. Although the store is large, wee are still family owned and operated. Wee get excited when wee can find that special toy or the perfect Daddy-Daughter dress. Wee love seeing 2nd generation shoppers. Wee love to hear your stories and see your kids grow.
Together, wee are making the world a better place by recycling and helping families save money. Stop in and help us change the world!
Wee want to hear from you!! Tell us what you love about the store, general comments, or if you have any questions that we might be able to answer!